Separate syncthing instances for two users on Linux

There are a number of discussions about this but I can’t find a good description of how exactly to do it.

It’s reasonably straightforward to configure systemd to run two user instances of syncthing, I think I can understand how to do that.

However which port numbers in the config.xml file do I have to change from default for the second instance? Obviously the GUI port, 8384, needs changing, but what does one have to do to the listening port(s) if anything?

Generally nothing, unless you also have things like manual port forwards to set up. If instance one is running when instance two gets configured it’ll automatically pick non-conflicting ports.

So all I need to do is specify a different GUI port for each instance and that should be it?

For all discovery methods to work, you do need to manually change and possibly The defaults are 21027 and [ff12::8384]:21027, so I set them to 21028 and [ff12::8384]:21028, etc. (with 8384 being the GUI port here).

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If you change the localannounceport and the localannounceMCaddr how does the ‘other end’ know?

This is going to be on a mix of LAN machines and a couple of other machines out on the internet.

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