Secure Keys

I am installing Syncthing on a Nexus 7 (2013) tablet but when launching for the first time it states:

“Generating secure keys. This may take a few minutes.”

However this message has been showing for almost 3 hours and it still has not finish generating them.

This tablet is one of 5 that has Syncthing installed…the other 4 work perfectly.

Please check if there are logs inside Android/data/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/files on the internal storage. If you find any log files there, and especially panic logs, please upload them here.

Here is the log file.
I did edit it to conceal my ID data but everything else is unchaged. syncthing (edited).log (205.1 KB)

It’s basically stuck at

[FNILJ] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+ starting
[FNILJ] INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+ shutting down
[FNILJ] INFO: listenerSupervisor@dynamic+ service dynamic+ failed: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

in a loop.

Which Android version are you running? Is this the stock ROM? If yes, then it’s likely very outdated, so I think that you may need to do (which requires root access though).

Otherwise, you need to run an up-do-date Android version, which means basically installing a custom ROM. For example, DivestOS ( supports Nexus 7 (2013).

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I have v6.0.1 on all of my Nexus 7 tablets but this one tablet is not generating the keys

The “generating keys” message is misleading. In the background, Syncthing is stuck in a loop with the relay listener shutting down and restarting as described above (and clearly seen in the logfile). You could try to disable relaying in the app settings, if you can even access them.

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I tried accessing the setting but the running circle just spins and only allows switching from the “Folders” to “Devices” but nothing further.

I am in the process of installing and learning the MSYS2 to try fixing the expired key issue.

Thank you for your assistance…I really appreciate it :slight_smile: