I’m not sure I follow. I could add the .stversions to the same device as the one with missing files? Wouldn’t the file names differ? And it would know that this .stversions folder is the same as the other one I am trying to sync?
Yes, add it on the device that has the missing files which are now in .stversions as additional folder in syncthing (keep the other ones like they are). It will scan the files and recognize that is already has the data as it has hashes of everything which is the only thing that matters, not the file name.
Due to all the hashing needed it will still need quite a while to complete this depending on how fast your disk and CPU is, but probably still a lot faster than syncing everything.
edit: looked at the screenshots again, since it’s in the local network and your CPU usage is already quite high i’m not sure if it will be that much faster, but it will work…
OK, thanks, I’m trying it now. It might not be worth it on my ARM “server” device, as it’s CPU is already struggling, but Desktop1 should be okay.
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