Sanity check before I commit

After three years on Nextcloud, I’m still only using the file-sync. Maybe it’s time to move away from the bloat. So I’m shopping around for a new sync solution. Before I commit, though, I’d like to get a sanity check from more experienced “thing-ers”

Devices: 2 laptops ; 2 Android phones ; 1 htpc ; 1 always-on Debian server.

I have two wants. One that I think will get a green light from the forum, but I’m not so sure about the second.

  1. I want both phones to sync their content to the server, but not get anything back.
  2. I want to mount the phone’s destination folder (on the server) on the laptops and on the htpc so that I can view the images and videos uploaded by the phones there.

I hope that last part came through clearly. I want to give the Plex server permission to crawl through the folder on the server that Syth places the phone files in.

Well? Will it Syncthing? If not, I’m open for suggestions.

I don’t see a problem with either, but your number one can mean any number of different things and we’re quite particular about the details. Details which have been discussed a lot, so a forum search might give some pointers there.

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