So I’ve set up Syncthing to sync my Android’s /storage/emulated/0 directory. All is fine, except, that I have this annoying red message “Failed Elements (2)” in the top right corner of that folder in the Syncthing(-fork) client on Android.
I’d like to add whatever fails (due access rights, locking, whatever) to the ignorelist, but I just can’t seem to find out which 2 elements actually failed.
There’s nothing in the last changes list and the protocol in the settings doesn’t shed any light either.
Thanks. My apologies – I don’t know if this is something I can help with. I’m not a member of the Syncthing team, just someone who tries to help out on the forum when I can. My non-English language skills are poor, I have never owned an Android device, and I’ve only been using Syncthing for a few months. Hopefully someone else on the forum can help you figure this out.
Please check the specific error messages in the Web GUI (available from the left slide-out menu in the app). Screenshots from the Web GUI would be helpful too.