Request - User Guide Update - Example Setups

Hi Syncthing.

  1. Great job!

  2. Could a small section be added on the ‘Getting Started’ web page to make clear that to be able to sync one folder across many devices the FOLDER ID should be the same, as it took a lot of determination to find, when it should be easy to find. Only hrs of searching the forums finally got the answer by stumbling across comments about folder ID needing to be the same.

I feel many potential new users are keen to use syncthing to do more complex setups than one folder between device A to device B, but the easy-to-find documentation doesn’t make it clear how to achieve more complex sync situations or if syncthing is capable.

Small tweaks to the easy-to-find typical web search results, as described below should give potential new users enough info to confirm how awesome and capable syncthing is.



Please update the ‘getting started’ webpage with a section “Example Setups” (or similar) with content similar to:


To synchronize a folder (e.g. folder “F”) that you wish to have the same data contents across multiple devices (e.g. devices “A”, “B” and “C”) then create a new share on each device using “Add Folder” and ensure the “Folder ID” is the same on all devices


To have one device act as a “master copy” and other devices to clone from the “master”, use “send only” mode. See page: Folder Types — Syncthing documentation


To have a device clone changes made on the cluster, but not distribute local changes use “receive only” mode. See page: Folder Types — Syncthing documentation

ONE FOLDER - via SERVER (rather than peer-to-peer)

To have multiple client devices synchronize a folder via a server device (e.g. a PC device “A”, an Android device “B” and a NAS device “C” where A and B sync only to C, not directly between each other) then:

when adding a folder on device “A” you need to … (?? please complete??),

when adding a folder on device “B” you need to …(?? please complete??),

when adding a folder on device “C” you need to … (?? please complete??)

That should highlight to most new potential users that are having a quick read to see if syncthing is suitable that its quite capable.

PS. I’m just starting testing, but it looks like the right tool for the job so once stable will definitely be donating.

That sounds like a great idea! Changes are most easily proposed by editing this page online. We can help out with any factual questions or such as needed.

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