Remote devices stuck syncing

Got this state since a few days. A possible cause I could imagine is that I deleted the database of another device which had all the folder contents (reinstalled windows, data was on external disk, device id stayed the same since I had a backup of the certificate).

No ignore patterns are involved and logs show no errors.


Example of remote device (looks similar on all devices, folder list not complete but all are “Up to Date”):

data from “alex-uni”


   "completion" : 99.7342403616233,
   "needBytes" : 3056405,
   "globalBytes" : 1150063651


   "state" : "idle",
   "globalFiles" : 1999,
   "inSyncFiles" : 1999,
   "ignorePatterns" : false,
   "inSyncBytes" : 1150063651,
   "localDeleted" : 42,
   "globalDeleted" : 62,
   "globalBytes" : 1150063651,
   "version" : 370093,
   "invalid" : "",
   "localBytes" : 1150061091,
   "needBytes" : 0,
   "sequence" : 370093,
   "stateChanged" : "2016-08-29T09:05:55.043560745+02:00",
   "localFiles" : 1999,
   "needFiles" : 0

data from “raspberrypi2”:


   "completion" : 99.7342403616233,
   "globalBytes" : 1150063651,
   "needBytes" : 3056405


   "inSyncFiles" : 1999,
   "inSyncBytes" : 1150063651,
   "globalFiles" : 1999,
   "localBytes" : 1150063651,
   "globalBytes" : 1150063651,
   "state" : "idle",
   "globalDeleted" : 62,
   "sequence" : 696439,
   "invalid" : "",
   "needBytes" : 0,
   "localDeleted" : 62,
   "stateChanged" : "2016-08-29T08:47:39.717556058+02:00",
   "localFiles" : 1999,
   "ignorePatterns" : false,
   "version" : 696439,
   "needFiles" : 0

Interesting. Looks like a bug…

Since synchronization still works I will keep it in this state for now and not nuke the index which could solve it.

What I forgot in the first post: I have several device with exactly the same problems so this bug seems to be “synchronized” in some way.

Should I run with some STTRACE active and post logs?

Hi I meet the same behaviour, but on a single device pair, other devices seem ok. I may also provide information if helpfull.

Nuked delta index by setting config version back to 15 on one device (alex-uni) and it is also gone on another device that is not even connected directly to that one, weird stuff…

I will see if the other 2 devices that showed the same also got fixed by that as soon as I am home. Should I save the database before connecting them for analyzing what is wrong there or save some logs with some STTRACE active when connecting (and potentially fixing it being stuck)?

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