Properly ignoring a folder?

So I’m trying to Sync a drive between two Adobe Premiere workstations (Macs). However because Adobe is now all through the cloud, it is constantly phoning home and writing cache files to a temp folder.

As a result, I am getting these errors in the log:

[4NRLF] 17:05:37 INFO: Puller (folder “tj6ra-uetbu”, file “Premiere Scratch/Team Projects Cache/EAClient/Content/4a15faf7bc7da0e514bb735e397fcf44a6cd11b2.gz”): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later

I am wondering if this is preventing the rest of the drive from syncing. Also it could potentially be detrimental for these files to sync because each workstation is connected to the cloud under a different Adobe CC account… and I would think the cache files (whatever they do) might need to remain unique to each machine for Adobe CC to function correctly.

I’ve also tried to exclude it by entering the following into a .stignore file on the root of that drive:

Premiere Scratch/Team Projects

…but it didn’t seem to do anything after a restart.

I also tried:

Premiere\ Scratch/Team\ Projects

…in case spaces needed to be escaped?

Not sure why it’s not working.

Spaces are not your problem, the partial directory name is. You should add

/Premiere Scratch/Team Projects Cache

to ignore exactly this directory in the root digikam folder (without the slash in the beginning e.g. foo/Premiere Scratch/Team Projects Cache would be ignored too). Or if you want to ignore any directory that is prefixed by what you had you need

/Premiere Scratch/Team Projects*

This is only correct if the Syncthing folder is pointing to the root of that drive as well, which is not clear from your post. Otherwise the ignore file should be wherever you set the Syncthing folder to be.

So Simon… Do the paths have to be absolute? Not relative to the share path?

I’m sharing a whole drive, which path-wise in OS X is /Volumes/Data/.

The folder to be ignored is two levels deep on that drive, so the full path to that folder would be /Volumes/Data/Premiere Scratch/Team Projects Cache/

Do I put .stignore in the root of the ‘Data’ drive (ie. path - /Volumes/Data/)? And then should .stignore contain a line with the full path of the folder to be ignored (ie. /Volumes/Data/Premiere Scratch/Team Projects Cache/)?

P.S. Should paths in .stignore be escaped with backslashes or put in double quotes if they have spaces in them?

First of all I think covers all of this.

The paths in .stignore are always relative to the folder root. Adding the slash in the beginning just pins it to the folder root as I already explained.

The .stignore file needs to be in the syncthing folder root, i.e. /Volumes/Data.

You don’t ever need to escape spaces or use quotes in syncthing. Only characters that have a special function as described in the docs need escaping.

I had read that doc. It is confusing though. If my folder is two levels deep from the root, do I put it on one line like so?:

Premiere Scratch/Team Projects Cache/

…or on two lines with a tab?:

Premiere Scratch     Team Projects Cache

One line. The indented things on that page are to illustrate example directory layouts only.

OK that’s what I thought.

Here’s what I put in the .stignore folder:

(?).DS_Store (?).DocumentRevisions-V100 (?).Spotlight-V100 (?).SymAV* (?).TemporaryItems (?).Trashes (?).apdisk (?)* (?).fseventsd (?).sync (?).sync-conflict-* (?)Desktop DB (?)Desktop DF (?)Icon (?).DS_Store (?).Spotlight-V100 /Volumes/Data/Premiere Scratch/

I also tried just ‘Premiere Scratch/’ for the last line. It still tries to mess with stuff in that folder and shows up in the logs:

[4NRLF] 16:13:09 INFO: Puller: final: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [4NRLF] 16:13:09 INFO: Puller (folder “tj6ra-uetbu”, dir “.Trashes/1484137787”): delete: remove /Volumes/Data/.Trashes/1484137787: directory not empty [4NRLF] 16:13:10 INFO: Puller (folder “tj6ra-uetbu”, file “Premiere Scratch/Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews/Vice-Presidential Debate.PRV/Rendered -”): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [4NRLF] 16:13:10 INFO: Puller: final: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later [4NRLF] 16:13:10 INFO: Puller (folder “tj6ra-uetbu”, dir “.Trashes/1484137787”): delete: remove /Volumes/Data/.Trashes/1484137787: directory not empty [4NRLF] 16:13:11 INFO: Puller (folder “tj6ra-uetbu”, file “Premiere Scratch/Adobe Premiere Pro Video Previews/Vice-Presidential Debate.PRV/Rendered -”): pull: peers who had this file went away, or the file has changed while syncing. will retry later

The folders it mentions… Shouldn’t they be completely ignored based on my .stignore config?

Paths are always relative to the syncthing folder root, so it must be

/Premiere Scratch/

(ignores that dir only if it is in the syncthing folder root) or

Premiere Scratch/

which will ignore that folder anywhere.

Also (?) does nothing. I assume you want (?d) to allow syncthing to delete it.


It actually does something - it matches (?). So if that is not actually in the file names, they will not be matched.


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