Possible to recover overwritten files?

Hello everyone

I’m using syncthing to sync latex files (pdf .text) between mac laptop and e-ink devices. Today, by accident I pushed changes from e-ink device, which was not synced for a day, to laptop, erasing all progress from yesterday. Is there any way to get previous files back via syncthing? This was quite important work for my dissertation project.

I looked into FAQ, and it says files may be stored in folder called .stversions. But where is it located? The folder that is synced contains only .stfolder folder.

Thank you for reading.

File Versioning needs to be enabled manually (see https://docs.syncthing.net/users/versioning), so if you haven’t done it beforehand, there will be no versioned files :frowning:.

At this point, this seems to be more of a question regarding data recovery. I cannot recommend any specific recovery software for macOS but there should be plenty.

Also, ideally, you would want to shut down the system completely, move the drive to another computer, and then attempt the recovery from there. If that’s not possible, then at least use an external drive to restore the deleted files onto, i.e. do not save the restored files on the same drive from where you’re restoring them (as that can lead to them being overwritten and impossible to recover anymore).


Thank you. Luckily my project was in iCloud folder and I was able to retrieve previous files from icloud.com

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