Pola pengabaian folder di Android

I have a Documents folder on my Android sdcard in the following order:

  • Dokumen Saya
  • Dokumen Dia
  • Dokumen Kita

In Dokumen Saya there are several folders, one of which is the “Personal” folder. And I have synced the “Personal” folder.

My question is, can I sync the entire contents of the Documents folder with the exception of the “Personal” folder which is in the Dokumen Saya folder?


Yes. Just make sure to ignore the “Personal” folder in the main Documents folder settings if you want to sync both to the same device (or sync only the entire main Documents folder without syncing the “Personal” folder separately there).

Are these settings correct? I don’t see the effect.

Can you open the Syncthing Web GUI (using the left slide-out menu in the app) and see what exactly is going on there? Please try to edit the ignore patterns there too, as the external editor may be doing something funky, e.g. regarding formatting, line endings, etc.

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