Perpetually partial sync?

I have a synced folder on two devices, and they don’t seem to want to sync fully in both directions. They are both send/receive, and both are labeled “Up to Date”, but device A cites a global & local tally of 562 files and ~257GiB, and device B cites 469 and ~219GiB. Changes seem to propagate, but when I rename a file on device B, it appears duplicated with both names on device A. When I make changes on device A, they do not seem to make it to device B.

I’m a bit boggled. Both have been restarted, both have been rescanned several times, and it has had about a week to figure itself out to no avail…

Both are running 10.4.31. Device A is on Windows 10, Device B is on Windows 7. The issue looks a lot like these:

I’m trying to figure out how to blow out my index/DB…

In the logs I see “Ignoring folder” (the folder with issues) “because we are configured to.” Seems suspicious, no?

Please post your logs here (and maybe screenshot of the UI, just to be sure).

It means you probably inadvertently ignored a folder when it was offered, then added it manually. This issue is resolved in 0.14.32, which is not released yet. But configure your system to upgrade to release candidates and you’ll get it early.

I believe that’s exactly what I did—ignored the folder then added it later. I’ve shut down both instances, deleted the directory in AppData, and upgraded both to 0.14.32. I guess I’ll see if things get figured out.

That seems to have done it. Thanks!

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