panic: non-increasing sequence

If you’re wanting to run stindex on the Synology itself, then:

  • Stop Syncthing on the NAS;
  • Log into the NAS under SSH as admin;
  • Elevate yourself to root user with sudo -i
  • cd yourself into the folder where you’ve uploaded the stindex executable into, then run:

./stindex -mode idxck /usr/local/syncthing/var/index-v0.14.0.db

I’m running Syncthing (Synocommunity package) on a number of Synology NAS units, and I’m very happy with it. Of course, being on a stripped-out OS does present its own challenges when you need to run some not-installed tool - but as far as Syncthing is concerned, I’m very happy (accepting the RAM and CPU limitations for what they are).

hello lovely people So I’ve run this command … no errors … but no nothing. Flash cursor, and I’m over an hour down. How do I know if it’s running?

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Look at your memory/cpu usage.

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I did - super low. Sorry, I should’ve said. CPU 6%, memory was about 70%

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How big is the index folder and if you have swap, is that used? Chances are you are running out of memory in which case it will take forever, i.e. you should terminate it (I think we had that before, or was that someone else - my memory… :slight_smile: ). If that is the case, please copy the db to a machine with more memory and runs stindex there (might be a good idea anyway to not have to deal with synology crap).

Coolio. Will do this eve

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That was with me … :sunglasses:

sorry, this is with me and had no capacity to pick it up yet. Owner of a business and fighting fires. will get back when I can

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Welcome to the club … :wink: :dizzy_face: :nerd_face:

3 posts were split to a new topic: keys not in increasing order

Hey - I’ve not replied in a good while. Not sure how the virus is working out for you guys but my days have melded together as I’ve been working from morning to evening and then falling over in bed beat!

I decided to have a cleanout of a lot of files this weekend. Saved 100GB in one folder, and then gone from 1.5M files to 10 files in another, zipping archive folders away.

My latest is that I had someone help with a VPN issue through to work - except now I’m getting constant connects and then disconnects with Syncthing. That’s despite making sure TCP 22000 and UDP 21027 were both open and forwarding with no relay enabled on either party. Got that to sort, then I’m back on the original thread.

Ahh man, I can’t figure out the connection. Does anyone have an article of the steps I should follow to debug the connection? At the moment I’m seeing “discovered” and the correct IP addy for both sides (having set them to dynamic), but I’m seeing Disconneced on the NAS side (so saying that the PC/server is disconnected).

Sozzzz …

Below the discovered address there should be an error message. Double check the ports indicated there, i.e. that any router and device along the way doesn’t block them (NAT/firewall/…). If everything checks out but it still isn’t working, post screenshots and enable connections debug logging and post the logs.

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