Out of Sync - Zone.Identifier

I am seeing frequent Out of Sync state with a single or few files with Zone.Identifier suffix. My search suggests an invalid file name but that is not the case. The filename is perfectly valid without weird characters in the name or path (other files in the same directory see to be fine). I am running on Windows. Any help is appreciated.

There should also be a list of failed items with an error message.

Is this happening on a syno or qnap nas? I’d suggest ignoring those system files.

No, this is a sync between 3 Windows machines.

Those are apparently some alternate data stream stuff created by IE, and we should not normally see them at all. Not sure what’s going on, but I’d suggest following Catfriends advice.

The issue is that the original file is on the file system (JetBrains_Key v2.0.1.txt) but I am not sure what JetBrains_Key v2.0.1.txt:ZoneIdentifier is as it is not on the file system. As you are aware, Windows does not allow colon in the file name.

Yeah. It’s the alternate data stream syntax, but I have no idea why we’re trying to sync it at all as it should be invisible to Syncthing.

Does this mean I’d have to manually remove these streams from files to avoid the error?