Note app for linux and android

I’m a newbie here. I also need some kind of help with this app. Thank you!

Welcome! Which app? If you mean Syncthing, then please search the forum and . If you cannot find the help you need, please create a new topic here in the forum.

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Yes, sure! I will definitely try for it. If I have any issue will let you know. Thanks for your help.

Just wanted to chime in and add my vote for Markor.

I tried Joplin, but I found it cumbersome to configure for SyncThing.
Having to type the exact path to the db file which can only be read by the desktop app…

Markor on the other hand, works with files and folders, has autosave, has as much formatting as I can be bothered with, has reasonable config options, and I can edit my notes on desktop with VScode, Emacs or whatever I want.

I have just started using it, but so far Markor looks like a very good fit for my needs.

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I’ve tried every free one that I can find and I’ve also settled on Markor as my default mobile editor. Markor reminds me of vim… It’s very fast, runs well on any device I can throw at it. Obsidian or Joplin can be nice too, but I open them very rarely… I mostly just run Markor.

Note that the author of Markor also uses SyncThing for his notes and has written about the process here: