murena os: where are my file synced?

Hi, I use syncthing to sync file between my mac os and my murena (new release of \e, that is an android 10). I cannot find where my file is once tobe synced. I need the exact path, because I’ve to pass to another app

Where do I can find that file?

Thank you


In the Syncthing app, navigate to the “Folders” tab. Identify the folder which is being synced between your Mac OS and Murena and then you should immediately see something like /storage/emulated/0/... where storage/emulated/0 would refer to internal storage in your Folder app (or alike).

From there it should be straight forward to navigate to the right place.

thank you er-pa! Finaly I’ve found it! nor, I’ve to set syncthing to start sync when I modify the file from my Mac. How can I obtain i?


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