Moving files do not delete on target - Out of Sync

I have been setting up a test with a DIY NAS drive running TrueNAS and Syncthing to sync large numbers of images from an SSD connected to my laptop to the NAS. The setup is as follows:

  • I download images from my SD card into the dated folder structure on the SSD.
  • Syncthing sees the changes and copies them all to the Data Set on the NAS.
  • Syncing on the source (the laptop) is set up as Send Only because I do not want any accidental changes on the NAS to result in changes on the laptop.
  • Syncing on the target (the TrueNAS) is set to send and receive.
  • Deleting files on the laptop should mean they are also deleted on the NAS.
  • I have the recycle bin setup on the NAS to keep the deleted files for X amount of days.
  • I have “/__Recycle-Bin” and “(?d)(?i)Thumbs.db” in my ignore patterns on both devices so that the recycle bin is ignored (I called the recycle bin “__Recycle-Bin”.

Everything was going great and I was very happy with the setup until I moved some images on the source from one folder to another. I.e. /folder1/file1 to /folder1/folder2/file1. Syncthing thing will add the file to the new location but not delete it from the old location. This then gives an “Out of Sync” warning at the source (laptop) only, because it now sees the file on the NAS that should have been deleted. There is no error, it just tells me it is out of sync and gives the option to “Override Changes” which works but is not a good solution if this happens to 100s or 1000s of images.

I tried cutting/pasting, dragging/dropping etc files at the source and it gave a random mix of results. Sometimes it worked, usually it didn’t delete any of the originals and sometimes it deleted some. Basically, it was random and unreliable.

I have spent some solid hours searching for answers and can find a few similar (ish) topics but everything seems to go unanswered.

I am new to TrueNAS and Syncthing and I am not extremely technical (but also not completely clueless, depending on one’s perspective) when it comes to this kind of IT setup so please keep any responses on a basic level.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I just thought I had solved this by changing the “Pull Order” on the target to “Oldest First” instead of “Random” (my logic being that if it was random, Syncthing would sometimes pull the new file first, and sometimes the old one and that might change the behaviour.

However, after several successful attempts at moving files without an “Out of Sync” notification, I now finally get the error with all 3 images moved to the new location but 2 of the 3 left in the old location.

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