[monitor] INFO: Signal 15 received; exiting

Syncthing service is getting failed contentiously.

[monitor] INFO: Signal 15 received; exiting Executing: /usr/bin/syncthing -no-browser -logflags=0 [monitor] INFO: Starting syncthing [5FQBS] INFO: syncthing v0.14.26 “Dysprosium Dragonfly” (go1.8 linux-amd64) jenkins@build.syncthing.net 2017-03-23 11:04:35 UTC [5FQBS] INFO: My ID: 5FQBSYZ-K52PRBS-3LMZQIS-O4KH6VZ-Z3YLUO-5RD5TA5 [5FQBS] INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 262 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (161 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [5FQBS] INFO: Hashing performance with weak hash is 222.36 MB/s [5FQBS] INFO: Hashing performance without weak hash is 234.64 MB/s [5FQBS] INFO: Weak hash enabled, as it has an acceptable performance impact

Signal 15 is someone externally terminating syncthing. Wether its your service manager, shell, wrapper or whatever it is.

Unable to see any issues from the journalctl or system logs. Any idea how to find out what application is stopping the daemon. Thank you.

Sorry, this is a linux question more than a syncthing question, so I think you are better off googling. I suggest checking kernel logs for out of memory killer messages.

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