mkdir permission denied


I’m having a problem using SyncThing with synology DS412

I have created a shared folder and made sure that the local user “Syncthing” has full access to it.

When I share a folder from a remote machine the message asks me to add the folder which I do.

I then get a notice

2018-06-06 11:34:12: Creating folder marker: folder path missing

2018-06-06 11:34:12: Creating directory for “Powerbas” (Powerbas): mkdir /volume1/bu_qlxs: permission denied

In the rescans dialog I see

1h Failed to setup, retrying

When I look at the folder permissions I see this.

BR1\administrator : Allow : Read & Write BR1\steve : Allow : Full Control BR1\domain admins : Allow : Read & Write BR1\enterprise admins : Allow : Read & Write administrators : Allow : Full Control sc-syncthing : Allow : Full Control

I can’t see what I’m doing wrong here.

Syncthing does not have permission to create directories in /volume1. I have no clue what those permissions mean, if you have access to a command line, run ls -ld /volume1 to get unix permissions.

Anyway you might get better support on a synology forum, as this is a synology, not syncthing specific problem.


I’ve just ssh in to the box and run that command

Could not chdir to home directory /var/services/homes/admin: No such file or director admin@DiskStation_01:/$ ls -ld /volume1 drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 May 25 22:27 /volume1 admin@DiskStation_01:/$

The current permissions only allow the root user to create sub-directories below /volume1. Assuming (and hoping) that SyncThing isn’t running as root this is the reason for the error message.

To solve this, you could change owner/permissions of /volume1, but this might cause issues if this mountpoint was created by the Synology OS. I’d rather create a sub-directory and set permissions as needed, e.g., by changing its owner to the user running the SyncThing process.

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Yes there is a folder in volume1 called BU_QLXS

admin@DiskStation_01:/volume1$ ls -ld /volume1/BU_QLXS drwxrwxrwx+ 4 root root 4096 Jun 6 12:04 /volume1/BU_QLXS

/volume1/BU_QLXS is not /volume1/bu_qlxs. You need to enter the correct path in syncthing.


I see, didn’t realise it was case sensitive doh!

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