Missing "More Info" details on file on mac os

Hi everyone. I’m new to Syncthing and I’m trying to replace my Dropbox with it. So I’m running Syncthing on my Synology and on my Mac OS.

During some tests I found out, that some (Mac OS specific?) file details are missing. I’m not talking about “tags” or “colors” which afaik are stored in .DS_Store files. It’s the “More Info” section on the file infos (see screenshot attached). I’m looking at the same file via Dropbox, Synology over SMB and Syncthing on Mac OS.

I already tried activating “Sync Extended Attributes” and made some tests. Sharing it from my mac with another mac with no Synology filesystem in between. But this information always gets lost.

Does anybody know some more about this? Thanks so much!

I did some more testing and I guess it works if I create the folder on my Mac OS and start everything from there and add it to Synology later.

Things like “last opened” (or “last access time”) aren’t synced by definition (see https://docs.syncthing.net/users/faq.html#what-things-are-synced).

However, as you’re saying that image Exif data becomes lost as well, could you try copying those files manually to the Synology (without using Syncthing), and then back to the Mac and see if the metadata is intact?

Thanks for your answer! I had to “start” the folder on my Mac and move the files there into the Syncthing folder. After that the Mac specific extended attributes where synced to my Synology and I could share it with another Mac. All good now. Thanks again!

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