maximum protocol version of 301

After a power failure, I cant get SyncTrayzor to start? 2018/12/05 09:32:48 http: TLS handshake error from tls: client offered an unsupported, maximum protocol version of 301

The “client”, whatever that is in the Synctrayzor case (normally the browser accessing the GUI), is saying it doesn’t support more than TLS 1.0. This is surprising as any browser from the last five years should support TLS 1.2. Syncthing, as of v0.14.53, requires TLS 1.2.

Are you on a very old operating system?

@canton7 any ideas?

Hi Jakob,

Nope, running Windows 7 I’ve tried to upload the log file but this says I can’t as I’m a new user?

Looks like TLS 1.2 in Windows 7 isn’t clear cut. There may be things you need to install or registry keys to tweak.

(Caveat: I just googled for 30s. But try those things.)

(Also: I think the correct answer to my question was "Yep, running Windows 7". ;) )

What SyncTrayzor version are you running? There was an issue with TLS 1.2 a while back, but that was fixed.

Hi Antony,

Running 1.1.14

Would it help if I emailed the log file to you?

That’s two years old which certainly fits “a while back”. You should try a newer one.

Yes, that’s sufficiently ancient that it won’t have the fix. This was fixed in 1.1.20, released in February this year.

Wonderful, that has worked - no idea why my staff did not upgrade when it asked?? I should have looked at that first!

Many thanks for the help…

Ian Port Elizabeth South Africa

one question if I may… what is the correct way to rectify this error: Puller (folder “Core George” (dw7rw-ajwga), file “Stock Take\Stock Take Procedure.doc”): finisher: file modified but not rescanned; will try again later

That’s a question about Syncthing, not SyncTrayzor. Search the form - I’ve seen discussions on this message before.

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