Many attempts before stable connexion since 0.13.1 (or 2)


I’ve noticed for few days ago :

syncthing needs to try many times before getting a “stable” connection.

[BGZRH] 16:13:49 INFO: Joined relay relay://
[BGZRH] 16:14:04 INFO: Established secure connection to ###-###-###-### at (Relay (Client))
[BGZRH] 16:14:04 INFO: Device ###-###-###-### client is "syncthing v0.13.2" named "POSEO-SRV"
[BGZRH] 16:15:05 INFO: Failed to exchange Hello messages with ###-###-###-### ( read tcp> i/o timeout
[BGZRH] 16:15:08 INFO: Connection to ###-###-###-### closed: unexpected EOF
[BGZRH] 16:15:20 INFO: Established secure connection to ###-###-###-### at (Relay (Client))
[BGZRH] 16:15:20 INFO: Device ###-###-###-### client is "syncthing v0.13.2" named "POSEO-SRV"
[BGZRH] 16:16:21 INFO: Failed to exchange Hello messages with ###-###-###-### (dis.tan.tip.oth:erport): read tcp>dis.tan.tip.oth:erport: i/o timeout
[BGZRH] 16:16:23 INFO: Connection to ###-###-###-### closed: unexpected EOF
[BGZRH] 16:17:23 INFO: Established secure connection to ###-###-###-### at (Relay (Server))
[BGZRH] 16:17:23 INFO: Device ###-###-###-### client is "syncthing v0.13.2" named "POSEO-SRV"
[BGZRH] 16:17:38 INFO: Connection to ###-###-###-### closed: switching connections
[BGZRH] 16:17:38 INFO: Established secure connection to ###-###-###-### at>dis.tan.tip.oth:erportagain (TCP (Server))
[BGZRH] 16:17:38 INFO: Device ###-###-###-### client is "syncthing v0.13.2" named "POSEO-SRV"
[BGZRH] 16:17:38 INFO: Connection to ###-###-###-### closed: read tcp> use of closed network connection
[BGZRH] 16:17:38 INFO: Connection to ###-###-###-### closed: write tcp>dis.tan.tip.oth:erportagain: use of closed network connection
[BGZRH] 16:18:50 INFO: Established secure connection to ###-###-###-### at>dis.tan.tip.thi:rdport (TCP (Server))
[BGZRH] 16:18:50 INFO: Device ###-###-###-### client is "syncthing v0.13.2" named "POSEO-SRV"

Is this normal or may I configure something to ease its job ?

What do « use of closed network connection » « closed: write tcp » and « closed: unexpected EOF » mean ?

There is a bug open on the tracker about this (dial race). If you could get the logs required there and post them, that would be useful.

[quote=“AudriusButkevicius”] Can you run with STTRACE=discovery,connections env var and provide logs from both sides? [/quote]This, I guess.

Sorry for my ignorance but how do I do that - (L)Ubuntu 14.04 on the 3 machines ?

I am sure google can answer how to set an environment variable on your OS.

This should help me

Is this useful : ?

It is from PC at home, Asgard.

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