Mac OS Client

I have installed Syncthing on my Mac mini and it has the service set up and starting, but no client. I need the client as I need to synch a folder on my hard disk to my NAS. Yesterday I installed the same version on my MacBook and it worked perfectly. What can I do to have the client and be able to set jobs. Thanks

How did you install it? I got a new Mac a few weeks ago and went via Syncthing | Downloads clicked the following link:

Which got me to the GitHub releases page.

I have the icon in the top bar, and if I go to http://localhost:8384/ I get the web admin user interface. What more do you need than that?

The syncthing binary appears to be in /Applications/ if that’s what you’re looking for?

 /Applications/ --version
syncthing v1.27.6 "Gold Grasshopper" (go1.22.2 darwin-arm64) 2024-04-08 09:14:27 UTC

Hi. Thanks for your reply.

I wish to only be able to synchronise folders on hard disk and on NAS, but I cannot understand how to use it. Now thinking of uninstalling it as I need something simple without much complexity.

Syncthing’s program is both server and client in one, so you’ll need to also install Syncthing on your NAS for things to work.

If your NAS is already providing network file shares to your Mac, it sounds like FreeFileSync ( might be a better fit for your requirements.

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