Login failed, see Syncthing logs for details.

When I try to log in to my server I get the error: Login failed, see Syncthing logs for details.

It doesn’t say where the log is. The only log I found hasn’t had anything logged to for 4 days. How can I figure out what the problem is?

You’ve left out a lot of information that could help.

What OS?

What version of Syncthing?

Have you run Syncthing on this device before?

What user is attempting to start the Syncthing process?

Thank you for the reply… Thank you for letting me know what you would like to try to help resolve this.

Windows 10

I think it’s at ver. 1.28.1 I’m not sure how to tell when I can’t sign in.

Yes. It’s been running fine.

My user with admin authority.

See https://docs.syncthing.net/users/faq.html#where-are-the-syncthing-logs — on Windows, the logs are located in Syncthing’s home directory by default. Use syncthing --paths to see where the home directory is.

Check Task Manager to see if Syncthing is running. There should be two processes. If it is, then you probably are unable to login to the Web GUI, rather than Syncthing being unable to run for some reason. If that’s the case, see FAQ — Syncthing documentation to reset the password.

That’s great… Thank you very much for the explanation. I can’t believe it. It wasn’t running. I would be nice if the error was: Syncthing is not running. Please start it. Instead of: Login failed, see Syncthing logs for details. Because there is nothing about it in the log. It would also be even better if it would start Syncthing.exe if it’s not running. I can’t figure out why it doesn’t automatically startup when the computer boots up. I do have a link in my C:\Users\Gary\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Syncthing.lnk Target: C:\Programs\Syncthing\syncthing.exe --no-console --no-browser Start In: C:\Programs\Syncthing Yes the program really is installed in that folder. Run: Minimized run as administer

I’m not sure why it wasn’t running — there may be something in the log explaining that.

I strongly prefer the Task Scheduler method for starting Syncthing automatically on boot, see Starting Syncthing Automatically — Syncthing documentation for details.

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