What I would like to do, is to limit the access to the Web GUI to specific network adresses, e.g. to all the machines in our network 192.168.XXX.YYY. I just tried which does not work.
From the discussion in Limit GUI access to LAN - possible? I got the impression that I have just two options, either allow access to the GUI only on from the local machine ( or from the world ( Is that true?
Further control is possible, but not for the purposes you are after. The edit box allows you to bind to a specific network card, so the GUI is available via VPN but not via lan etc.
There are plenty of guides explaining how to configure the firewall, and I do feel that this sort requirements live with the firewall rather than the application.
Well, you do not know my purpose. What I actually want is that only the (two) computers I synchronize can access the web gui of the other.
Actually, what I do is that I log from my home computer into the VPN network at work.
Then I start via SSH syncthing on my work computer and on my home computer. The reason why I asked for a IP range is that my IP address for the home computer changes whenever I log into the VPN network. So maybe binding to a specific network card might be sufficient for me?
Which OS are we talking about? Win firewall: add remote ip address range to your incoming fw rule is possible via gui (run wf.msc).
Linux: e.g. Ubuntu has Google-able one liners with the ufw firewall mgmt command to limit incoming connections based on src address.