Issue REST API PUT "/rest/config/folders/*id*" - error : folder has empty ID

i send the following REST API: curl -X PUT -d '{ "label": "TEST" }' -H "X-API-Key: MyAPIKey" http://localhost:8384/rest/config/folders/default

and get the following error message: folder has empty ID

My Folder configuration is:

curl -X GET -H "X-API-Key: MyAPIKey" http://localhost:8384/rest/config/folders/default
  "id": "default",
  "label": "MODS",

what am I doing wrong?

problem solved: curl -k -X PUT -d '{ “id”: "default", "label": "TEST" }' -H "X-API-Key: MyAPYKey" http://localhost:8384/rest/config/folders/default

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