Is folder Exclusion in a sync possible?

I am using the latest Syncthing version between a Win10 PC and a Linux Mint PC. Is the syncing configuration diagrammed below possible?

Parent_Folder (Win10 PC Path = C:/Syncthing/Parent_Folder)
 |__Folder-A (This Folder needs to be excluded in sync)
 |__Folder-1 (This Folder needs to be included in sync)
 |__Folder-2 (This Folder needs to be included in sync)
 |__book.pdf (one of many data files to include in sync)

How can I instruct Syncthing to sync all the data contained in the “Parent_Folder” but not to include subordinate “Folder-A” which needs to be excluded in the sync. Is such sync customization possible in the latest version of Syncthing?

This is covered by the documentation

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