Internet sync is not working from Russia

Hello, Internet sync is not working. Synchronizes via local network. Through the WAN, no. Suspecting that the address: is blocked either by the government of the Russian Federation or by the administration of Syncthing.

Can you give advice on what to do?


(dynamic+ shutting down [----] 2022/11/07 15:25:24 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+ starting [----] 2022/11/07 15:25:24 INFO: listenerSupervisor@dynamic+ service dynamic+ failed: Get “”: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

Known problem (see The only solution/workaround is to run your own relay server (or use hard-coded IP addresses if you can).

Thanks, I will try.

Hi all! It turned out to start synchronization without global addresses. If anyone is interested, I’ll post the instructions.


Yes, it is interesting.

Me, too.

First you need to have static ip addresses on all sites where there are hosts. Nothing will work without this.

  1. The Syncthing application is running on port 22000. You need to forward port 22000 from the Syncthing host to the outside of the router.

  2. On the second host, you need to add a direct address with a forwarded port in the field: Remote Devices - (your second host) - edit - advanced - Addresses In this field, enter the address of the first host with a static IP and port number. In my case XX.XXX.XX.X:22000

  1. If you did everything right, both hosts will see each other and everything will work.

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