Initial sync flagging 'local changes'

Damn … I wish i knew how to use this thing! Situation is that an ‘initial’ sync, not yet paired with anything, flagged up well over a 1000 ‘local changes’?? Not yet understanding why or how this could happen as the folder in question is receive only and i had no other systems attached as shares, I elected to ‘revert local changes’ expecting the situation to revert to as it was prior to any sync, ie just undo anything you havent yet done. Oh no … was i wrong. The ‘reverted changes’ proceeded to wipe my disk contents, verifiable from the log. Now then … just which bit of all this, what i consider to be a very dangerous package, have i not understoodand just what were the ‘local changes’ which were identified. Nothing had changed my files which were an imported disk from the host system after it had copied off its files to a larger disk. I am loathe to make any further use until i understand a bit more.

If you create a folder as receive only, there should be nothing inside that folder, which the others devices don’t have. As you didn’t share the folder with any other devices, the global state (the one, that the others have) was 0 files. So every file on disc was a local change different from what the others have, so was deleted when you forced Syncthing to make the folder content matching the global state.

Thanks but i’m still struggling here. So, what you are saying is that I needed to ignore the local changes? Surely the deletion of ALL of the files in this circumstance should not have happened. There were no ‘global’ partners, other than itself, to be considered. The message ‘revert local changes’ means, to me obviously in my ignorance, that any changes would be rolled back to where i started the scan NOT rolled forward to reflect a state which hadnt yet been defined. I will not be pursuing the product as i do not think it will meet my requirements as a result. Thanks for your reply.

This is an unfriendly rough edge. I think we should probably prevent creating a recvonly folder in a non-empty directory.


If this is your first time trying to configure and use Syncthing, I would strongly suggest testing it out on a temporary set of data first. Syncthing has many different settings, which may confuse an inexperienced user.

When it comes to “Receive Only” folders, please check the documentation. The differences between different folder types are explained quite well there.

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I have read the link provided and am still none the wiser when it comes to the INITIAL scan of a receive only. How can a folder, existing as a future replication mirror with NO ATTACHED partners be defined AS existing when it comes to the global state? So, what you are saying is that a standalone folder is both local AND global?? Surely not. By choosing to accept ‘revert local changes’ in this situation the action should be to notify that no action will be taken as there is no global estate to consider and not to proceed to delete every, all in this instance, change/file flagged by the initial scan. The rest, once a shared folder is in place I understand. I am trying to replicate a send only, never to be changed copy of data to this receive only folder. What should be the sequence/process to follow which will prevent data loss. I suppose you could say ‘never press any red buttons’ but in this case doing do should not have deleted my data.

receive only means “inside this folder, there should be nothing but what the other devices have”. So there is no (unexpected) data loss, as you don’t want to have something inside that folder which the other devices don’t (already) have.

Though, you will have unnecessary data transfer, if most of the data is already there.

… if you are not sure if you really understand and want what the button does.

If you want to share a send-only folder from the source to a receive-only folder on the destination, you should do exactly that.

  1. Create the folder as send-only on the source
  2. Share it with the destination
  3. Accept the folder on the destination and set it to receive-only

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