Ingored files stay "out of sync"


Are you sure you didn’t make any mistakes when obscuring the IDs? Ideally just leave the first block of the ID, that’s not sensitive and makes mistakes virtually impossible. Reason I am asking is:

Laptop 1 has server 1 as an availability, while Server 1 shows the file as globally invalid and doesn’t have it at all locally - those two things should be mutually exclusive. Also “WIN WORKSTATION” is coming up, but never it’s ID.

Yes, I made a mistake:

Server #2 view:

  "availability": [
      "id": "WJXMAFI-....",
      "fromTemporary": false
  "global": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2019-07-12T10:51:26+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "WJXMAFI",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC/2019/07/20190712_075126444_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 23,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 513241,
    "size": 2903726,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [
  "local": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "1970-01-01T02:00:00+02:00",
    "modifiedBy": "",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "",
    "noPermissions": false,
    "numBlocks": 0,
    "permissions": "0",
    "sequence": 0,
    "size": 0,
    "type": 0,
    "version": []

Laptop #1’s view:

  "availability": [
      "id": "WJXMAFI-...",
      "fromTemporary": false
  "global": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2019-07-12T10:51:26+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "WJXMAFI",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC\\2019\\07\\20190712_075126444_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 23,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 513241,
    "size": 2903726,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [
  "local": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": true,
    "invalid": true,
    "localFlags": 2,
    "modified": "2019-07-12T10:51:26+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "WGNJRUK",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC\\2019\\07\\20190712_075126444_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 0,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 274445,
    "size": 2903726,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [


WJXMAFI = Server #1

WGNJRUK = Laptop #1

So Laptop #1 thinks it has the file (it does not) and the file is on ignored list. I am guessing that the ignore list is preventing Laptop #1 to update the state of the file (it does not have it), but yet it believes it has the newest version but since it is on ignore list so it just keeps thinking so, without really doing anything to achieve a steady state.

I had in parallel similar problem with between Laptop #1 and Server #2, and between Workstation and Server #1.

I finally solved the first problem by connecting Server #1 and #2 through a SSH tunnel and letting them sync. The second problem I solved by “un-ignoring” the problematic folder on Workstation letting it sync. After all the syncs were finished I ignored the problematic folder again.

There was also a persistent “failed items” issue at Server #1, but all those files were deleted in all the computers already. For reasons unknown to me, Syncthing did not clear out this situation on its own (over several hours) so I sorted out that (unrelated) issue by forcing resync.

Now everything is in sync, but I still think the out-of-sync items never competing was caused by a bug in Syncthing code. I will continue to keep the servers connected with help of an autossh tunnel (ran as systemd service).

Quite a lot of work :sweat:

Here are GET rest/system/file results from the 2nd (now solved) problem mentioned above between Server #1 and Workstation. These computers are in the same LAN.

Server #1 view:

  "availability": [
      "id": "2PSJLZW-....",
      "fromTemporary": false
  "global": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2017-08-01T13:29:11+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "WJXMAFI",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC/2017/08/20170801_102911019_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 6,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 150889,
    "size": 775253,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [
  "local": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2017-08-01T13:29:11+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "WJXMAFI",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC/2017/08/20170801_102911019_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 6,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 413679,
    "size": 775253,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [

Workstation’s view:

  "availability": [
      "id": "2PSJLZW-...",
      "fromTemporary": false
      "id": "WJXMAFI-...",
      "fromTemporary": false
  "global": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": false,
    "invalid": false,
    "localFlags": 0,
    "modified": "2017-08-01T13:29:11+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "WJXMAFI",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC\\2017\\08\\20170801_102911019_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 6,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 150889,
    "size": 775253,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [
  "local": {
    "deleted": false,
    "ignored": true,
    "invalid": true,
    "localFlags": 2,
    "modified": "2017-08-01T13:29:11+03:00",
    "modifiedBy": "6T76ERY",
    "mustRescan": false,
    "name": "MOBILE SYNC\\2017\\08\\20170801_102911019_iOS.jpg",
    "noPermissions": true,
    "numBlocks": 0,
    "permissions": "0640",
    "sequence": 201912,
    "size": 775253,
    "type": 0,
    "version": [


WJXMAFI = Server #1

6T76ERY = Workstation

2PSJLZW = Server #2

The latest db/file outputs look fine: Everyone is on the same version, laptop having it ignored, the servers not.

The one before (Ingored files stay "out of sync") does show a problem: Both sides have the same, valid file, but only laptop has a local file (ignored). The server should also have a local file, even if ignored, but doesn’t. I assume you did restarts or pause/unpause the folder (that force triggers a sync). Now the difficult thing is to find out why it doesn’t sync/ignore it and one step towards finding out would be logs with model debug facility enabled during a sync operation. However as I understand you have fixed the problem, so it no longer exists anywhere?

1st problem

Hi, unfortunately by fixing the error state I also destroyed an opportunity to debug this deeper.

The first problem seemed to be because the Server #2 wanted the files that only Server #1 had, but had not connection then (now they have). Laptop #1 used to have the files, but I have since ignored those on the laptop.

I also think I have misunderstood what the “progress” means. I have though it means the status of point-to-point sync, but it may mean a general sync situation of the other end. IF this is the case, I do not undertand why all the computers do not show the same sync progress for a particular computer.

2nd problem

What I don’t understand why the 2nd problem between Server #1 and Workstation did not clear out since those are in the same LAN. The problem had persisted for weeks.

But all is good now. I think I managed to get those problems when ignoring folders without having all the computers in sync. Next time I try to be patient to enable proper debugging. Thanks for all the patience.

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