iexplorer in win7

Everything works great for me, and I’m almost ready to spread syncthing out among 20 workstaitons. I’m just curious about how iexplorer.exe fits into syncthing on windows.

I see that when syncthing starts there are two instances of iexplorer.exe that start up with it. If I stop the syncthing service the iexplorer.exe instances remain.

Does syncthing in windows require iexplorer? How does it work differently in Linux which wouldn’t have iexplorer.exe?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. John in Oregon

Oh, and what a great commenting layout!

Are you saying that Internet Explorer doesn’t open but the process is spawned?

Inside the Syncthing settings there is a setting to automatically open the browser, if you turn this off those processes won’t be spawned. I have a feeling that this issue may not work well with Windows? I’ll test it myself and see what happens but my default browser is Chrome so…

I can’t seem to reproduce it myself… But try what I suggested above. The majority of times you don’t want this to happen anyhow.

Inside the Syncthing settings there is a setting to automatically open the browser, if you turn this off those processes won’t be spawned.

That did the trick. Thank you. I’m currently running a 32 bit system and pushing my memory to the limit every day. Eliminating those two iexplorer services helps a lot.

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There’s some Windowsy corner case here, if syncthing is being run as a service under a system account. If it’s configured to start a browser to open the GUI it’ll still do so, but the browser is completely invisible (other than as a process in task manager). This had me tearing out some hair at some point…