I found the copy speed of synchting relative to the operating system is too slow

Rename or move a file, syncthing does not re-transfer the file, but directly copy on the remote device local. I found the copy speed of synchting relative to the operating system is too slow. How designed of this? Have any solution to this?

It’s not always true, sometimes syncthing might have to retransfer even for copy, because the deletion is found and transfered earlier than the addition, which might be what you are experiencing.

Or deletion is sent much later than addition, so that results in a copy oppose to rename which might take a while.

There is also a lot more to it than a pure copy, unfortunately. Each blocks gets looked up in the database, and the data hashed to verify that it was what we expected.

Can make copy speed faster by adjust the block size to bigger? How to midify the block size form 128k to bigger?

You cannot, no. Sorry.

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