I forgot my password and cannot find the config file on my Mac

Hi guys,

The problem I encounter is that I forgot my password, and I can’t find any config.xml file in my MacBook.

I even can’t locate any Syncthing folder in the library/application support path.

What can I do in order to get my password back/reset my password.

Thank you guys for helping me

Is Syncthing running?

If Syncthing is running, open Terminal and try this command:

find / -name config.xml

That should show you every file with that name on your Mac.

I tried before, but get the result of operation not permitted.

I am still figuring out what’s happening as I am the owner and only user of the Macbook

Anyway, thank you so much for your suggestion!

The “find” command was unavailable to you?

Is it possible that there’s a problem with your Mac that’s bigger than the problem with Syncthing?

Did you look properly? The path is hidden by default. You can get to it by activating Finder, hitting Shift-Cmd-G and entering ~/Library/Application Support/Syncthing (with tab completion).

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Thank you guys, I found the folder after I tackle the “operation not permitted” problem. I reset my password already!

Thank you all again for the help!

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