I broke my Syncthing config by binding the WebGUI to port 80

[X4D4K] 13:53:24 INFO: Database block cache capacity 65536 KiB [X4D4K] 13:53:24 OK: Ready to synchronize Download (read-write) [X4D4K] 13:53:24 INFO: Starting web GUI on [X4D4K] 13:53:24 INFO: Completed initial scan (rw) of folder Download [X4D4K] 13:53:24 FATAL: Cannot start GUI: listen tcp bind: permission denied

Edit. The devil is it never creates a config file and when I use homebrew to uninstall some remnant of a configuration is carried over.

Please provide help.

Thank you

The config is in ~/Library/Application Support/Syncthing/config.xml. Open it and replace the port number and you should be fine.

Thank you this worked perfectly.

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Does it works 80 port on syncthing application ? When I tried port number from to I am getting following error

[AUUF5] 12:09:24 FATAL: Starting API/GUI: listen tcp bind: permission denied [monitor] 12:09:24 INFO: Syncthing exited: exit status 1 [monitor] 12:09:25 INFO: Starting syncthing [AUUF5] 12:09:25 INFO: syncthing v0.14.21 “Dysprosium Dragonfly” (go1.8rc2 linux-amd64) jenkins@build.syncthing.net 2017-01-25 07:33:35 UTC [AUUF5] 12:09:25 INFO: My ID: AUUF5YM-LJ4QWM6-3NMSEGL-CEA4NF4-65XKCNB-IJKYMF5-335AWWA-3XH5MQN [AUUF5] 12:09:26 INFO: Single thread SHA256 performance is 353 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (348 MB/s using crypto/sha256). [AUUF5] 12:09:27 INFO: Actual hashing performance is 294.52 MB/s [AUUF5] 12:09:27 INFO: Ready to synchronize “Default Folder” (default) (readonly)

Port numbers below 1024 are privileged ports and can’t be opened by non-privileged processes.


Actually I installed on user account If I install syncthing in root is it working with port 80?

Do not install Syncthing as root for this purpose. If you very much need the GUI on port 80, put it behind a real webserver, use iptables or similar to do a port forward, or give it the cap_net_bind_service capability.

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Thank you