how to use for iphone

i just setup for 2 PC and smart phone android but i can’t see app for iphone

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There’s no official Syncthing app for iPhone/iPad due to technical and security restrictions built into iOS.

See this older thread for details: Syncthing for iOS

Here’s a protocol compatible Syncthing client for iOS (freemium license):

Note that Möbius Sync cannot do background syncing per iOS restrictions: FAQ | Möbius Sync

Similarly, newer versions of macOS required Microsoft, Dropbox, Box and other cloud storage providers to overhaul their respective desktop sync clients to be compatible with Apple’s “File Provider” subsystem. In many ways the change is similar to how you can install Firefox, Chrome and other web browsers on iOS but they all must use the bundled WebKit rendering engine just like Safari.

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I have used Möbius Sync to sync files between a folder shared between Android phones, Linux laptop, and an iPad. As indicated in other posts, in my experience it will only sync when the app is in the foreground and the screen is active. This is a serious limitation, but at least I was able to transfer files to the iPad directly without using a commercial service.


It’s not protocol compatible - it is Syncthing. What it does is manage the Syncthing binary. Would be awesome if someone actually built a protocol-compatible solution for iOS (or for anything really :slight_smile: ).


LOL! Thanks for the correction! I didn’t do a deep enough dive into Möbius Sync’s documentation. :smiley:

Programming in Go isn’t my forte (yet), but perhaps I’ll take a crack at a Perl client… :nerd_face:

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