How to send out shares with the same origin/source to different clients?


In short: Is it possible with ST to share a whole folder and sub-folders of that folder in two different shares? If so, how?

Long description:

I have a huge folder (C:\huge_folder) which is shared completely (no .ignore file) to some clients (CLIENTS-A) als SHARE-A.

Now I want to share some few folders from that huge folder within a new share, say NEW-SHARE-B to other clients (CLIENTS-B).

I tried with the .ignore file, but unfortunately the ignore-file from SHARE-A (which is in C:\huge_folder) is overwritten with the content from the ignore-file from NEW-SHARE-B (which is in C:\huge_folder\ too), and this is not desired.

Any Idea, how this could be accomplished?

master computer: SHARE-A: C:\huge_folder\

CLIENTS-A should receive: SHARE-A

CLIENTS-B should receive: NEW-SHARE-B (C:\huge_folder\subfolder1 C:\huge_folder\subfolder2 C:\huge_folder\subfolder3\subfolder1 ā€¦)

Hope, I was clear enough. Thank you, for your ideas.

P.S. CLIENTS-A are trustworthy CLIENTS-B are not (which means, I donā€™t want them to see any other folder/file besides in NEW-SHARE-B)

My solution for something like this are bind mounts, but that doesnā€™t exist in Windows.

Using symlinks also doesnā€™t work, as Syncthing currently does not follow them, see:

The only working (but ugly) solution I can think of for Windows would be to share each sub folder as its own Syncthing folder to CLIENTS-B or split the huge folder into 2 and share both with CLIENTS-A and only one with CLIENTS-B.

In the future, the ignores will probably be stored in the config not inside a file, so your initial idea would work.

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You can do that. Move A a level up so that .stignore would not end up being in the same place.

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Thank you both.

Moving a Level up will not work, as SHARE-A is the top-level/root and changing the folder-structure isnā€™t possible as other software relies on that specific path(s).

ā€¦mount bind is a nice idea and would work if a linux-client would be a master, but unfortunately, the linux client is a slave.

Anyways, it was a trial, and Iā€™ll wait and monitor, meanwhile, we can use symlink-friendly-sync-software to achieve the goal. :slight_smile: :beers:

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