How to know if I'm connected (Linux GTK GUI)

It is a technical issue.

Look at this table for an indication of the number of different protocols out there. Only those rows which are used for HTTP (notably 80, 443, and 8080, but also see 8384) can use a HTTP proxy, because only those rows use HTTP.

Everything else, e.g. FTP, SSH, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, Gopher, SFTP, DHCP, NTP, and many many many more, cannot use a HTTP proxy, because they are NOT HTTP.

If you don’t understand an explanation of why Syncthing cannot talk over HTTP, I’m afraid you just have to accept it. You can’t say “I don’t understand any of this, but I’m sure it can be made to work”.

I’m not an expert in … anything, for sure. I only can talk about what I use, what I know and how it’s working. Maybe I’m wrong, of course, but I understand that all applications I mentioned are using my HTTP Proxy (using 3128 port, Squid) as a way to redirect (not as an VPN, naturally) their messages outside my LAN. Maybe my problem is that I don’t understand what the difference between Syncthing and the other sharing applications (I will not mention they again cause no need to publicy them) that is the reason cause by which they can use HTTP Proxies and Syncthing can’t. I will be happy knowing if (in my eyes) Syncthing is so different (for good) that I’ll can never propose to use it in our LAN.

Thank you again and excuse my ignorance

Yes, Syncthing is sufficiently different that it cannot use HTTP.

I’m not an expert in proxying, but from what I read on Wikipedia it appears that a HTTP proxy can easily be used to proxy a plain TCP (non-http) connection (if the proxy supports TLS, if not there’s not much you can do), it’s just the connection establishing that has to be performed a little different (and needs a single real HTTP request + response, before the connection get’s established). Afterwards syncthing can probably do it’s usual TLS handshake trough the proxy. Major problem could be that SOME proxys only allow ports 80/443.

So technically it appears possible to implement, altough maybe it’s not 100% ideal and straightforward.

Sure, yet proxies usually have some sort of timeout which makes it mostly unusable, as having re-establish TLS, re-exchange indexes, erc.

Anyways, sure, there might be some hack to make it work, but who gives a damn about this to implement it, that’s the better question.

Ok. So it’s possible, but it’s hard to get it working without problems.

Thank you

Regards and good job!

I was considering exactly this for Syncthing Tray - at least as an optional behavior. However, I didn’t put any effort into it so far. This is because my Syncthing Tray shows a tool-tip when hovering above the icon anyways. It contains an info like “Connected to … and …” or “Not connected to any other devices.”.

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