How to install and configure Syncthing on Windows?

I am trying to get Syncthing working on Windows 7/8/2008/2012 inside of our company. Unfortunately, It just wont work.

It works on the standalone PC out side of our domain.

Is their a detailed document for installation and configurations? I could not find any document.

We need to sync files through our VPN, just wondering how data will be routed by using syncthing, through our vpn or go internet finding best routes?

Define “won’t work”?

If you’re looking for autostart / a tray utility, SyncTrayzor and syncthing-gtk are two options.

There was a similar problem before:

Does this help you?

It is working now, but speed…

What is average speed you can get when using syncthing? I got 1~2 Kb/s…