How to disable calling to, etc ?

I noticed in my firewall that syncthing android client is calling to stun.ekiga . net & stun.voip and more… How do I make syncthing completely local and stop calling to and others listed bellow?

syncthing log on Windows:

[5AELT] 00:35:45 INFO: kcp: / / resolved external address kcp : / /MY INTERNET IP:22020 (via stun.voip.aebc . com:3478)

[5AELT] 01:14:10 INFO: kcp : / / resolved external address kcp://MY INTERNET IP:22020 (via stun.internetcalls . com:3478)

I have already disabled the following in android and pc:

  • NAT traversal
  • Global discovery
  • Relaying
  • Usage reporting

v0.14.41, Windows (32 bit) 0.10.1 Android Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 7.0.0


Set STUN Keepalive Seconds to zero (advanced config).

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Thanks got it. I hope it is completely local now…

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