How symlinks are handled on windows?


I the docs found

Symbolic links (synced, except on Windows, but never followed)

so they are just ignored on windows or, if it is symblinked to the same folder, the target file is synced?

The best discussion I found on this is here: Option to follow directory junctions / symbolic links? .

It appears to me that Syncthing on Windows ignores symlinks completely.

The root folder itself can be a symlink, but nothing inside of it. You can enable junctionsAsDirs to treat junctions inside the Syncthing folder as normal directories and sync their content, however the caveat is that file watching doesn’t work inside them.

Well, my question is:

There is a root folder in linux with a file a.txt and a sym-link (which sym-links to a.txt).

What happens if windows machine syncs the folder? Does sym-link file appears here?