I am syncing two Folders: First Folder has about 20K files, 400 directories, 40 GiB. Second Folder has about 25K files, 3000 directories, 22 GiB.
These are sync’ed amongst three devices – Mac mini (M2), Windows (Intel Core i5-3570K), and a recent Android device (Qualcomm Snapdragon 8).
They’re already all synced.
When I click Rescan, the First Folder finishes “Scanning” in just a few seconds (like 2~3 seconds) on all three devices.
However, the Second Folder containing 3000 directories (they’re not all directly under the root folder – they’re nested) takes 20+ seconds to scan on my Android. Mac mini is much better (about 8 seconds), but several times slower than the First Folder.
Is there something about directory traversing that’s taking up a lot more time? I thought having ~10 files per directory with 3000 directories is better, but it looks like having ~100 files per directory with 300 directories would be much faster.
Anything I can do to make this run faster? (with the main concern being, reducing Android battery drain)
Thank you.