Having too many sub-directories makes scanning slow?


I am syncing two Folders: First Folder has about 20K files, 400 directories, 40 GiB. Second Folder has about 25K files, 3000 directories, 22 GiB.

These are sync’ed amongst three devices – Mac mini (M2), Windows (Intel Core i5-3570K), and a recent Android device (Qualcomm Snapdragon 8).

They’re already all synced.

When I click Rescan, the First Folder finishes “Scanning” in just a few seconds (like 2~3 seconds) on all three devices.

However, the Second Folder containing 3000 directories (they’re not all directly under the root folder – they’re nested) takes 20+ seconds to scan on my Android. Mac mini is much better (about 8 seconds), but several times slower than the First Folder.

Is there something about directory traversing that’s taking up a lot more time? I thought having ~10 files per directory with 3000 directories is better, but it looks like having ~100 files per directory with 300 directories would be much faster.

Anything I can do to make this run faster? (with the main concern being, reducing Android battery drain)

Thank you.

Not really, the newer versions of Android are very slow when it comes to storage access. The more files/directories you’ve got, the slower it will be, and especially so if there is a large number of files in a single directory.

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