Google Drive

Step by step way to link a Google drive file to a computer on my local network. Thanks

This forum is dedicated to Syncthing, not Google Drive. If you need help with installing Google Drive, please refer to (and many other sources on the Internet).

I don’t need any help with “Google Drive”.

I would like to “Syncthing” a file from “Google Drive” back to a computer on my LAN. For a double backup. So to speak. Thanks

Syncthing works on folders, so it is possible to use it to sync a folder that’s located inside Google Drive. Of course, the folder itself needs to actually be present on your local disk, not just “in the cloud”.

The caveat is that you shouldn’t use both Syncthing and Google Drive (or any other sync solution) to sync the same folders between the same computers, as overlapping sync may lead to various issues, and also that Syncthing is not a backup - any change or deletion, whether intentional or not, will be propagated to all devices that share the folder.

Thanks for the replay.

I have do more reading on how to use “Syncthing” and stop being so lazy. I’m using my age for an excuse.:rofl:

Your help is very much appreciated.

“Syncthing” has many features I must read to familiarize myself with it to configure it correctly.

It has all the configurations I need. I was just skeptical A free program could do it.:roll_eyes:

Thanks Again for Your Response.

You could use rclone for transfering files between Google Drive and your machine.