I am syncing a few folders so I can take my MacBook Pro on the Road and edit files.
Here is just one example of a problem I’m having. It would be wonderful if someone could give me a spcific solution.
Testing: I made a new folder inside a synced folder on the Mac. I put a jpeg in there which I took from a folder mounted from the server. The sync was immediate!!! Wonderful. Now I decided to delete the jpg from the mounted folder of the server. I got a permissions error. However, I can delete it on the Mac side. and it does delete from the server, as desired.
This is a basic permissions issue, I know, but I don’t know how t solve it. I would hope that Syncthing would have some means to set permissions for synced items…
What operating system does the server use? Ignore the question, I’ve now seen it in the title .
You will likely need to enable “Ignore Permissions” in the folder advanced settings, and you should probably not enable things like syncing extended attributes or ownership, because they won’t be compatible between TrueNAS and macOS.
Well, I tried “ignore permissions”. It did not work, I still get “the operation cannot be completed because you do not have permission to access some of the items”. It must have something to do with ownership… Here are the details:
I have TruNAS mounted via SMB (maybe that’s the problem??) on my Macbook Pro. So I can access any folder I want. BUT, any synchthing synced folder which was created or whose contents were created on the MAC is not manipulable. I can’t even copy anything into that folder on the SMB share. Probably I could configure the SMB share on the TruNAS if I knew what “fruit” attributes to use in the TruNAS SMB setup. Maybe that would improve the compatibility.
Yes, I can delete, add, move and operate on any folders on the SMB mounted TruNAS - on my Mac. It’s only the synchthing-created folders that were made by MacOS that are in trouble.