Global state differs on Clients

I have two computers on the network that are linked by syncthing. The first one is the server (running ubuntu server) and the second one is a freshly installed Notebook with kubuntu 24.04. Both instances execute Syncthing 1.27.10 The Problem: the global status of two directories differed on these two machines. Here you can see screenshots of one of the directories: On the server, the folder has a total file count of 225.762

On the notebook on which i wanted to sync all these files, the global status says only 95.387 files and is shown as fully synced:

the logs on the notebook only says about this folder: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "****" (zx3ne-nlasp)

I already started the systemd service on the notebook with --reset-deltas: no change.

Why are files missing on the notebook?

text deleted, wrong information. The information referred to another folder.

Both sides show fully synced on folders an devices. Are there any debug flags I should activate to provide a log?

I would try to remove and re-add the folder (just in Syncthing) on the second device. Just to be safe, you can set it to “Receive Only” initially when doing so. Syncthing should then index the existing file and download the rest which is now “missing”.

Yea, that really did the trick. What seems to be important: when removing the folder from the new client I had to wait several minutes before i re-shared the folder on the server. If i do not wait, the re-added folder starts scanning but aborts since the .stfolder is not found. I assume there is still old cached data which then combined with the new (re-added) folder. :+1: