geting: INFO: Skipping folder 9heae-tc6ik scan due to folder error: folder marker missing

Getting: INFO: Skipping folder 9heae-tc6ik scan due to folder error: folder marker missing.

I have a 32 bit cpu running all the time as a server but with full Ubuntu Linux. I setup a 2 TB disk call bitbox with a folder on it called bitbox. At first I was not able to write to the folder bitbox but I did a chmod 777 on it and now it is able to write to it. I want all my syncthing files to go to the folder bitbox. My windows 10 machine is able to connect to the ubuntu server and starts to transmit data to it but then immediately halts because it can’t access bitbox folder (i think) . If this is a general problem then I look forward to you help. If you need more data please tell me so I can acquire it.

Check out the previous discussions on the topic for probably all the info you need:

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