SO I’ve been syncing my Plex media library using the default folder and it’s been working great. Now that has synced, I’m trying to sync my production server backup folder with a share I created on my backup server to host everything in the production backup share. I have checked my primary and secondary mappings over and over again and it looks like the receiving folder is mapped to the /goathead_backup_sync folder which I want to receive the production backup folder objects to. It looks like it’s connected fine, but there are no objects the Production ‘backups’ folder and there is actually a few TB’s of backups. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
For sure it does. But what’s wrong is impossible to say from the cropped snippets. Full screenshot of both sides with the relevant folders expanded in the web GUI, and we might be able to say.
For the latter, the tilde character in ~/backup_to_smashysmash would most likely expand to something like /home/someuser, making the full path /home/someuser/backup_to_smashysmash.
Assuming that the first directory path shown is the correct one, change the “Folder Path” setting in Syncthing to match – i.e. trim off the tilde character at the beginning of the path.
(You didn’t mention what container platform you’re using. Unfortunately, I don’t recognize the look of the configuration panel in your first screenshots so can’t provide more specific help).
I’m using Unraid for Docker. Since I cannot edit any existing configuration, not sure if that’s just a Docker thing, I deleted them and recreated them on both servers. It’s working now after deleting the tilda. Thanks for your help.
Upon adding the paths again, I noticed that the tilda was automatically added. is there a reason the application wants to add a tilda to the paths by default?
It’s been years since I’ve used Unraid so I don’t have any current insight into why editing afterwards would be blocked, although it seems like a very odd choice if it’s intentional.
The tilde is basically a synonym for “user home” (it’s a user configurable default under Syncthing’s advanced settings).
What the tilde is an alias to varies with the host operating system (e.g. /home/someuser/ on Linux, /Users/someuser on macOS, C:\Users\someuser on Windows, etc.)
The reason it’s the default is because a user’s home directory is the one place that’s guaranteed to be readable and writable by the user. Although a computer might have additional directories and/or storage, those locations wouldn’t make for a good general default that works for every user out-of-the-box.