Folder "xxx" isn't making progress. Pausing puller for 1m0s


I saw the similar issue with Folder NAME isn't making progress. Pausing puller for 1m0s.

At the end of the topic, Maintainer said it’s a known issue. Is there a ticket ID for the bug?

In my environment, I install v0.14.23 in both machines. One is a Windows7 and the other is Mac El capitan.

Windows7 shows continuous "Folder xxx isn’t making progress. Pausing puller for 1m0s" The GUI says it sync the mac machine completely in “Remote Devices” status.

On the other hand Mac shows 81% sync in “Remote Devices” status. without any error.

I’m waiting for the fix, so I would like to know the id to track the status.

That was fixed a while ago. Check your logs or failed items in the UI which will explain why things are failing.

Thank you.

Here is the log on my Windows [monitor] 18:23:59 INFO: Log output saved to file “C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\S yncthing\syncthing.log” [monitor] 18:23:59 INFO: Starting syncthing [R3SDT] 18:24:00 INFO: syncthing v0.14.23 “Dysprosium Dragonfly” (go1.7.4 window s-amd64) 2017-02-07 20:25:33 UTC

Here is the log in Mac [monitor] 18:22:33 INFO: Starting syncthing [BL55W] 18:22:33 INFO: syncthing v0.14.23 “Dysprosium Dragonfly” (go1.8rc3 darwin-amd64) 2017-02-07 20:25:33 UTC

I could not find the cause of the problem and just find the continuous log shows something is wrong. Is there any way to investigate this more deeper?

In the web ui on the folder there will be an new row with failed items which will explain why it’s failing to progress.


Thank you for your reply. I found the reason. The reason is invalid file name, some file names are allowed on Mac but those names are not allowed on Windows.

I changed the all of file names on Mac which will be allowed on Windows as well. But it still not start to sync and it shows invalid name even though I restarted the both of clients.

How can I resolve this?I guess some cash or temp file have the previous file name as queued file.

restarting, rescanning and refreshing the UI should fix it.


I ended the clients and started it again. It does not still start sync.

I try to make another folder on both machine, then it synced immediately. So I reboot my windows. But it does not still work.

Both “Out of Sync Items” and “Failed Items” shows the old invalid name. So I still believe a kind of queue lists are still alive…

What is the actual error shown in the failed item list?

Hi Audrius,

It seems work fine now, something is wrong on my Mac. Because rebooting mac resolved the issue.

Sorry for bothering you. Thank you for your support.

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