Folder ID blocks syncing


I’m stuck in the following situation. I’m syncing one folder between two servers. Now I installed another server as backup-server to sync the content of the folder of each server into 2 different folders on the backup-server. I want to do it in order to:

  1. test if each server gets updated from file updates on the other server in time.
  2. backup the content of the folder for server A into backup A and the content of the folder for server B into backup B

(see diagram of my attached pdf-file)

Unfortunately, the folder on both servers have the same folder ID. If I set up folder A and folder B on the backup server and try to sync each server into the respective folders, the folders are always synced in folder A. The folder ID is forwarded to the backup server and Syncthing doesn’t allow me to change the folder ID. Both, folder A and B on the backup server are synced as ‘read-only’.

My question is, what can I do in order to sync folder A with Server A and folder B with server B and back up both folders independently. Can I do this with Syncthing or do I have to use lsyncd or something else?

Any thought is much appreciated.

Thank you


How can I sync the

Sync_Solution_v1.pdf (64.2 KB)

You can add another folder with a different id, at the same path.

Or at a different path. It sounds like there’s no relation between your servers and folders A & B, so different folder IDs at different places seems reasonable.

Thank you for your quick replies. I already thought about the solution setting up new folder-syncs and did it now. I wasn’t sure to use this as solution as Syncthing is always alerting "Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder “GNOpsFS0” (mkpnc-nkmuq).

Please, keep in mind the folder A and B on server C are ‘read-only’ and used as backup source. So Syncthing also warns me of ‘Local Additions’. Of course, these folders are only to be read only as I don’t want changes made on server C to be synced with server A,B accidentally. So why the warnings on just one folder if the same file exists on server A and B and in folder B of server C. Only folder A (for server A) in server C doesn’t update the file. Sometimes it works, sometimes it hangs


ADDED: I mentioned earlier that a folder is synced between server A and server B. Just noticed that a change on server A in that folder is updated in folder A of server C, but not updated in folder B of server C. But folder B in server C should be updated as well as soon as the folder on server B was updated. This doesn’t work. On the other hand, if changes are made on server B, they get updated in folder B of server C, in server A but not in folder A of server C.

I don’t really follow your setup here; it’s possible that the A, B and C labyrinth above makes sense, but I don’t have the mental bandwidth to sort it out. Think of a folder ID as pointing to some place in the filesystem that should be identical on the devices that share it. Generally don’t nest them, and definitely don’t nest them with conflicting policies (having Syncthing make changes directly into something where the parent is supposed to be receive only, for example).

Hi Jakob, ok thanks. May I’m overcomplicating something. I’m just making one more attempt to make it understandable.


SERVER A has a folder at E:\GNO (Office) - SERVER B has a folder at X:\GNO (Hetzner Germany) - Server A syncs folder E:\GNO into server B’s folder X:\GNO

Folder ID is mkpnc-nkmuq and the ‘sync’ is set to Send/Receive on both.


SERVER A has a folder at E:\GNO (Office) - SERVER C has a folder at \mnt\sync\office (Hetzner Finland) - Server A syncs folder E:\GNO to \mnt\sync\office

Folder ID is mkpnc-zjghg and the sync is set ‘SEND ONLY’ on Server A and ‘Receive Only’ on server C


SERVER B has a folder at X:\GNO (Hetzner Germany) - SERVER C has a folder at \mnt\sync\hg (Hetzner Finland) - Server B syncs folder X:\GNO to \mnt\sync\hg

Folder ID is mkpnc-tghrf and the sync is set ‘SEND ONLY’ on Server B and ‘Receive Only’ on server C

Sync_Solution_v2.pdf (76.9 KB)

If a file is added/changed/deleted in E:\GNO on server A it is synced with server B (SYNC 1). That works perfectly fine. Then the respective file gets synced on Server C in folder \mnt\sync\office (SYNC 2). Works. But it doesn’t get synced in folder \mnt\sync\hg of server C (SYNC 3), while it should have been synced from server B and folder X:\GNO and from folder id mkpnc-tghrf because the file there got added/updated/deleted on server B.

If a file is added/changed/deleted in X:\GNO on server B it is synced with server A (SYNC 1). That works perfectly fine as well. Then the respective file gets synced on Server C in folder \mnt\sync\mnt\sync\hg (SYNC 3). Works. But it doesn’t get synced in folder \mnt\sync\office of server C (SYNC 2), while it should have been synced from server A and folder E:\GNO and from folder id mkpnc-zjghg because the file there got added/updated/deleted on server A.

I then measure and compare the update/content between both folders on server C. I also use them as backup source and back each folder seperately.

Maybe this is more clear now?

Thank you in advance.

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