Files in sub-folders not synced when using Cryptomator

When a shared folder exists within a Cryptomator share, files are only synced when the exist within the root folder. Works fine without Cryptomator. There are no .stignore entries.

Steps to recreate

  1. Create a vault using Cryptomator (I believe my settings are the defaults including the Dokany volume type)
  2. Create a shared folder with the Cryptomator vault as the Folder Path
  3. Add the shared folder to a second machine
  4. Create a file in the root of the Cryptomator vault
  5. Create a sub-folder in the Cryptomator vault
  6. Create a file within the sub-folder
  7. Observe how the file in the root and the sub-folder are synced to the second machine but the file within the sub-folder is not

Version Information


  • Syncthing Version: v0.14.52, Windows (64 bit)
  • Cryptomator Version: v1.4.0
  • OS Version: Windows 10 Pro 1803


  • Syncthing Version: v0.14.52, Linux (64 bit)
  • OS Version: OpenMediaVault 3.0.99 (Debian 8.11)



[UBD3U] 15:18:01 INFO: Adding folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt)
[UBD3U] 15:18:01 INFO: No stored folder metadata for "zqytc-6ruzt": recalculating
[UBD3U] 15:18:01 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt) (sendreceive)
[UBD3U] 15:18:01 INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection
[UBD3U] 15:18:01 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt)
[UBD3U] 15:18:17 INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 15:18:17 INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 15:18:44 INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: EOF
[UBD3U] 15:19:17 INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 15:19:17 INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 15:19:17 INFO: Device VGDILLO folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt) has a new index ID (0xD4A3753D60D8A76F)


2018-12-01 15:18:05 Connection to UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 at closed: reading length: EOF
2018-12-01 15:18:21 Established secure connection to UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
2018-12-01 15:18:21 Device UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "BLACKROCK" at
2018-12-01 15:18:21 Unexpected folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt) sent from device "UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4"; ensure that the folder exists and that this device is selected under "Share With" in the folder configuration.
2018-12-01 15:18:48 Adding folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt)
2018-12-01 15:18:48 No stored folder metadata for "zqytc-6ruzt": recalculating
2018-12-01 15:18:48 Ready to synchronize "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt) (sendreceive)
2018-12-01 15:18:48 Connection to UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection
2018-12-01 15:18:48 Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt)
2018-12-01 15:19:21 Established secure connection to UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
2018-12-01 15:19:21 Device UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "BLACKROCK" at
2018-12-01 15:19:21 Device UBD3UME-ZVXCHNM-SXD6IGO-DZOMANJ-F4WK5VR-ZK5OPCZ-VMGFFMY-6EB4RQ4 folder "Test-Folder" (zqytc-6ruzt) has a new index ID (0x31910426C9137695)

Did you try pressing the rescan button? Dod you check console for errors? It’s possible that this magical volume type does not behave in a posix compliant way, hence syncthing won’t work with it.

1 Like

I have tried rescanning. There are no errors in the logs or the GUI.

You can enable the verbose scan facility, click rescan and post the logs and names of files you expect to be picked up?

Below are the logs when performing all steps in the original post. The file structure created on Blackrock is:

- file-in-root.txt
+ Sub-Folder
  - file-in-sub-folder.txt

The file structure synced to Soupbowl is:

- file-in-root.txt
+ Sub-Folder

Blackrock logs

[UBD3U] 08:59:05 INFO: Adding folder "Test-Folder" (hxxcv-fcnvm)
[UBD3U] 08:59:05 INFO: No stored folder metadata for "hxxcv-fcnvm": recalculating
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 INFO: Ready to synchronize "Test-Folder" (hxxcv-fcnvm) (sendreceive)
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 VERBOSE: Disconnected from device VGDILLO
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 VERBOSE: Configuration was saved
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now scanning
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Test-Folder" (hxxcv-fcnvm)
[UBD3U] 08:59:06 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now idle
[UBD3U] 08:59:38 INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 08:59:38 INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 08:59:38 VERBOSE: Connected to device VGDILLO at (type tcp-client)
[UBD3U] 08:59:40 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "telv4-gqpkm" is map[needDirectories:0 needSymlinks:0 inSyncBytes:601246214 globalBytes:601246214 localBytes:601246214 state:idle needFiles:0 localSymlinks:0 inSyncFiles:208 version:1197 globalDirectories:34 localFiles:208 needDeletes:0 globalFiles:208 pullErrors:0 needBytes:0 globalSymlinks:0 localDirectories:34 localDeleted:0 sequence:1197 globalDeleted:0]
[UBD3U] 08:59:40 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "telv4-gqpkm" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 08:59:40 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "3bvhx-hx7wh" is map[localSymlinks:0 globalDirectories:445 localDirectories:445 localDeleted:5 globalDeleted:102 needBytes:0 localBytes:44940746743 pullErrors:0 state:idle needDirectories:0 inSyncFiles:5333 needFiles:0 sequence:12730 localFiles:5333 globalSymlinks:0 version:12730 needDeletes:0 globalFiles:5333 globalBytes:44940746743 needSymlinks:0 inSyncBytes:44940746743]
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "3bvhx-hx7wh" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is map[localFiles:0 localDeleted:0 inSyncBytes:0 globalSymlinks:0 needSymlinks:0 sequence:0 globalFiles:0 needDirectories:0 globalDirectories:0 needDeletes:0 needBytes:0 pullErrors:0 localSymlinks:0 state:idle version:0 needFiles:0 globalBytes:0 inSyncFiles:0 globalDeleted:0 localBytes:0 localDirectories:0]
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "jaxhv-frqqq" is map[localSymlinks:0 localDeleted:30545 globalFiles:44146 globalDirectories:19820 needSymlinks:0 needDeletes:0 globalBytes:314363622285 needDirectories:0 localFiles:44146 inSyncFiles:44146 sequence:990580 localBytes:314363622285 version:990580 globalDeleted:30549 needFiles:0 state:idle globalSymlinks:0 pullErrors:0 needBytes:0 inSyncBytes:314363622285 localDirectories:19820]
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "jaxhv-frqqq" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "qfgic-uusua" is map[localSymlinks:0 globalDirectories:1 localBytes:4818624452 globalBytes:4818624452 inSyncBytes:4818624452 needFiles:0 needSymlinks:0 version:51 inSyncFiles:21 localDeleted:0 localFiles:21 needBytes:0 localDirectories:1 needDeletes:0 state:idle sequence:51 needDirectories:0 globalDeleted:0 pullErrors:0 globalFiles:21 globalSymlinks:0]
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "qfgic-uusua" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "s2yxm-y4cnb" is map[pullErrors:0 globalDeleted:1 globalBytes:2758009 localBytes:2758009 needFiles:0 inSyncFiles:6 globalDirectories:6 state:idle localDirectories:6 sequence:347 localFiles:6 needDirectories:0 needDeletes:0 inSyncBytes:2758009 version:347 localDeleted:1 needSymlinks:0 globalSymlinks:0 globalFiles:6 localSymlinks:0 needBytes:0]
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "s2yxm-y4cnb" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "sbb5t-vfydw" is map[localFiles:449 needDirectories:0 globalDirectories:36 localDirectories:36 needDeletes:0 inSyncFiles:449 inSyncBytes:3176824613 needBytes:0 localBytes:3176824613 needSymlinks:0 pullErrors:0 state:idle version:3035 globalSymlinks:0 globalFiles:449 globalBytes:3176824613 needFiles:0 globalDeleted:63 localSymlinks:0 localDeleted:63 sequence:3035]
[UBD3U] 08:59:41 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "sbb5t-vfydw" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:15 INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: EOF
[UBD3U] 09:00:15 VERBOSE: Disconnected from device VGDILLO
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Connected to device VGDILLO at (type tcp-client)
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 INFO: Device VGDILLO folder "Test-Folder" (hxxcv-fcnvm) has a new index ID (0x305A0A71CFD7ACD5)
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "telv4-gqpkm" is map[needFiles:0 globalSymlinks:0 localBytes:601246214 localDeleted:0 state:idle globalDeleted:0 needBytes:0 needSymlinks:0 localDirectories:34 pullErrors:0 globalFiles:208 needDirectories:0 needDeletes:0 inSyncBytes:601246214 globalDirectories:34 globalBytes:601246214 sequence:1197 version:1197 inSyncFiles:208 localFiles:208 localSymlinks:0]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "telv4-gqpkm" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "3bvhx-hx7wh" is map[version:12730 globalSymlinks:0 needBytes:0 needDirectories:0 localFiles:5333 globalFiles:5333 globalDirectories:445 globalDeleted:102 localBytes:44940746743 pullErrors:0 sequence:12730 localSymlinks:0 localDirectories:445 needFiles:0 needSymlinks:0 localDeleted:5 needDeletes:0 inSyncFiles:5333 state:idle inSyncBytes:44940746743 globalBytes:44940746743]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "3bvhx-hx7wh" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is map[sequence:0 inSyncBytes:0 localDirectories:0 localBytes:0 localSymlinks:0 version:0 state:idle needDeletes:0 needDirectories:0 globalDeleted:0 localDeleted:0 needSymlinks:0 globalSymlinks:0 globalDirectories:0 globalBytes:0 localFiles:0 needBytes:0 inSyncFiles:0 globalFiles:0 needFiles:0 pullErrors:0]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "jaxhv-frqqq" is map[localFiles:44146 localDeleted:30545 globalDeleted:30549 globalBytes:314363622285 state:idle localBytes:314363622285 needDeletes:0 needDirectories:0 pullErrors:0 localSymlinks:0 needBytes:0 globalSymlinks:0 localDirectories:19820 needFiles:0 version:990580 globalDirectories:19820 needSymlinks:0 sequence:990580 globalFiles:44146 inSyncFiles:44146 inSyncBytes:314363622285]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "jaxhv-frqqq" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "qfgic-uusua" is map[version:51 localDirectories:1 localDeleted:0 localBytes:4818624452 needDirectories:0 needDeletes:0 needBytes:0 globalDeleted:0 localFiles:21 globalFiles:21 globalBytes:4818624452 globalSymlinks:0 needSymlinks:0 localSymlinks:0 globalDirectories:1 pullErrors:0 inSyncFiles:21 sequence:51 state:idle needFiles:0 inSyncBytes:4818624452]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "qfgic-uusua" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "s2yxm-y4cnb" is map[sequence:347 version:347 localSymlinks:0 needDeletes:0 needFiles:0 inSyncFiles:6 localDeleted:1 localBytes:2758009 state:idle pullErrors:0 globalSymlinks:0 needBytes:0 localFiles:6 globalDirectories:6 globalDeleted:1 globalFiles:6 localDirectories:6 inSyncBytes:2758009 globalBytes:2758009 needDirectories:0 needSymlinks:0]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "s2yxm-y4cnb" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "sbb5t-vfydw" is map[needDeletes:0 localFiles:449 needSymlinks:0 needDirectories:0 needBytes:0 inSyncBytes:3176824613 localDeleted:63 globalFiles:449 localBytes:3176824613 globalDeleted:63 needFiles:0 inSyncFiles:449 globalSymlinks:0 localDirectories:36 globalDirectories:36 version:3035 localSymlinks:0 globalBytes:3176824613 sequence:3035 pullErrors:0 state:idle]
[UBD3U] 09:00:39 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "sbb5t-vfydw" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:42 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now scanning
[UBD3U] 09:00:42 VERBOSE: Local change detected in folder "hxxcv-fcnvm": added dir Sub-Folder
[UBD3U] 09:00:42 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now idle
[UBD3U] 09:00:42 VERBOSE: Device VGDILLO sent an index update for "hxxcv-fcnvm" with 1 items
[UBD3U] 09:00:44 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is map[needFiles:0 sequence:2 globalSymlinks:0 inSyncFiles:0 needDeletes:0 localBytes:128 localFiles:0 needDirectories:0 localDirectories:1 inSyncBytes:128 globalDeleted:0 needSymlinks:0 globalFiles:0 localDeleted:0 needBytes:0 version:2 state:idle globalDirectories:1 globalBytes:128 localSymlinks:0 pullErrors:0]
[UBD3U] 09:00:44 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" on device VGDILLO is 100%
[UBD3U] 09:00:52 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now scanning
[UBD3U] 09:00:52 VERBOSE: Local change detected in folder "hxxcv-fcnvm": added file file-in-root.txt
[UBD3U] 09:00:52 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now idle
[UBD3U] 09:00:52 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now scanning
[UBD3U] 09:00:52 VERBOSE: Folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is now idle
[UBD3U] 09:00:52 VERBOSE: Device VGDILLO sent an index update for "hxxcv-fcnvm" with 1 items
[UBD3U] 09:00:54 VERBOSE: Summary for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" is map[localBytes:128 needDeletes:0 needSymlinks:0 globalDeleted:0 globalBytes:128 localSymlinks:0 needDirectories:0 needBytes:0 version:4 localDirectories:1 state:idle globalFiles:1 inSyncBytes:128 sequence:4 needFiles:0 localFiles:1 globalDirectories:1 localDeleted:0 pullErrors:0 inSyncFiles:1 globalSymlinks:0]
[UBD3U] 09:00:54 VERBOSE: Completion for folder "hxxcv-fcnvm" on device VGDILLO is 100%

When I say verbose scan facility I mean debug logging for the scan facility.

I’m not sure what you mean - are you saying to set the STTRACE env var to scanner?

Yeah or there are debug options in the web ui in the logs section.

Here are the logs, performing the steps in the original post again:

[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:39.811677 model.go:2714: INFO: Adding folder "Test-Folder" (syhd6-gwpwv)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:39.811677 set.go:83: INFO: No stored folder metadata for "syhd6-gwpwv": recalculating
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:39.851673 model.go:197: INFO: Ready to synchronize "Test-Folder" (syhd6-gwpwv) (sendreceive)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:39.851673 model.go:1293: INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:40.413125 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:40.441118 walk.go:205: DEBUG: error: . {0xc00299c310} Readdir \\?\z:\: The system cannot find the path specified.
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:40.441118 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done syhd6-gwpwv [] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:40:40.448110 folder.go:290: INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Test-Folder" (syhd6-gwpwv)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:41:38.407080 service.go:276: INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:41:38.408075 model.go:1640: INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:00.005547 model.go:1293: INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: EOF
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.512902 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [Sub-Folder] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.521902 walk.go:384: DEBUG: dir: Sub-Folder Directory{Name:"Sub-Folder", Sequence:0, Permissions:0755, ModTime:2018-12-03 17:42:11.504 +0000 GMT, Version:{[{UBD3UME 1}]}, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, LocalFlags:0x0, NoPermissions:false}
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.523887 walk.go:205: DEBUG: error: Sub-Folder {0xc0022fa8c0} Readdir \\?\z:\Sub-Folder: The system cannot find the path specified.
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.523887 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done syhd6-gwpwv [Sub-Folder] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.640888 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [New folder] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.648885 walk.go:205: DEBUG: error: New folder <nil> FindFirstFile \\?\z:\New folder: The system cannot find the file specified.
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:21.648885 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done syhd6-gwpwv [New folder] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:38.573755 service.go:276: INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:38.573755 model.go:1640: INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:38.635606 model.go:1038: INFO: Device VGDILLO folder "Test-Folder" (syhd6-gwpwv) has a new index ID (0x BB8B23E6992A6EF)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.549341 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [file-in-root.txt.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.683448 walk.go:352: DEBUG: to hash: file-in-root.txt.txt File{Name:"file-in-root.txt.txt", Sequence:0, Permissions:0644, ModTime:2018-12-03 17:42:21.551 +0000 GMT, Version:{[{UBD3UME 1}]}, Length:0, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, LocalFlags:0x0, NoPermissions:false, BlockSize:131072, Blocks:[]}
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.683448 walk.go:172: DEBUG: real to hash: file-in-root.txt.txt
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.793044 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done syhd6-gwpwv [file-in-root.txt.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.925475 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [New Text Document.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.937496 walk.go:205: DEBUG: error: New Text Document.txt <nil> FindFirstFile \\?\z:\New Text Document.txt: The system cannot find the file specified.
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:42:41.937496 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done syhd6-gwpwv [New Text Document.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc001e68900

Here are the logs for the same steps but without using Cryptomator:

[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.764213 model.go:2714: INFO: Adding folder "Test-Folder" (2rxrc-hdydr)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.764213 set.go:83: INFO: No stored folder metadata for "2rxrc-hdydr": recalculating
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.766206 model.go:197: INFO: Ready to synchronize "Test-Folder" (2rxrc-hdydr) (sendreceive)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.766206 model.go:1293: INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: read tcp> use of closed network connection
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.786215 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.786215 walk.go:223: DEBUG: ignored (internal): .stfolder
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.786215 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done 2rxrc-hdydr [] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:09.786215 folder.go:290: INFO: Completed initial scan of sendreceive folder "Test-Folder" (2rxrc-hdydr)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:43.719245 service.go:276: INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:43.719245 model.go:1640: INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:58:55.911249 model.go:1293: INFO: Connection to VGDILLO at closed: reading length: EOF
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:15.234220 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [Sub-Folder] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:15.236177 walk.go:384: DEBUG: dir: Sub-Folder Directory{Name:"Sub-Folder", Sequence:0, Permissions:0755, ModTime:2018-12-03 17:59:05.230738 +0000 GMT, Version:{[{UBD3UME 1}]}, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, LocalFlags:0x0, NoPermissions:false}
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:15.237178 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done 2rxrc-hdydr [Sub-Folder] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:25.234887 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [file-in-root.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:25.235875 walk.go:352: DEBUG: to hash: file-in-root.txt File{Name:"file-in-root.txt", Sequence:0, Permissions:0644, ModTime:2018-12-03 17:59:13.2270682 +0000 GMT, Version:{[{UBD3UME 1}]}, Length:0, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, LocalFlags:0x0, NoPermissions:false, BlockSize:131072, Blocks:[]}
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:25.235875 walk.go:172: DEBUG: real to hash: file-in-root.txt
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:25.236848 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done 2rxrc-hdydr [file-in-root.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:43.896271 service.go:276: INFO: Established secure connection to VGDILLO at (TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:43.896271 model.go:1640: INFO: Device VGDILLO client is "syncthing v0.14.52" named "soupbowl" at
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 17:59:43.902253 model.go:1038: INFO: Device VGDILLO folder "Test-Folder" (2rxrc-hdydr) has a new index ID (0x 2F2A4FFDB2805A2)
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:05.240090 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [New folder] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:05.241051 walk.go:205: DEBUG: error: New folder <nil> FindFirstFile \\?\D:\OneDrive - Microsoft\Test-Folder\New folder: The system cannot find the file specified.
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:05.241051 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done 2rxrc-hdydr [New folder] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:15.240583 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [New Text Document.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:15.241589 walk.go:205: DEBUG: error: New Text Document.txt <nil> FindFirstFile \\?\D:\OneDrive - Microsoft\Test-Folder\New Text Document.txt: The system cannot find the file specified.
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:15.241589 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done 2rxrc-hdydr [New Text Document.txt] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:25.239677 walk.go:87: DEBUG: Walk [Sub-Folder] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:25.239677 walk.go:352: DEBUG: to hash: Sub-Folder\file-in-sub-folder.txt File{Name:"Sub-Folder\\file-in-sub-folder.txt", Sequence:0, Permissions:0644, ModTime:2018-12-03 17:59:22.8140952 +0000 GMT, Version:{[{UBD3UME 1}]}, Length:0, Deleted:false, Invalid:false, LocalFlags:0x0, NoPermissions:false, BlockSize:131072, Blocks:[]}
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:25.239677 walk.go:172: DEBUG: real to hash: Sub-Folder\file-in-sub-folder.txt
[UBD3U] 2018/12/03 18:00:25.240694 walk.go:150: DEBUG: Walk progress done 2rxrc-hdydr [Sub-Folder] Matcher/[]@0xc00008c3f0

It seems your magical filesystem lists sub-folder as one of the available folders, but says it does not exist when we try to access it. Not much we can do, sadly you have to go to the cryptomator people.

It’s possibly caused by us using UNC paths, but that’s just what we do, and that won’t change.

Ah, OK… I’ll take it to Cryptomator - thanks for your help

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