Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.


I am running custom disco server and I am getting an error with discovery. I have been using my custom server for couple years and never had any issues but i just realized that it is not able to connect t it. The server is using ip4 not ip6 and the line in the settings is correct because i have been usong it with many nodes for couple years.

Has some ip4 connectivity changed in 14.28?

Probably not. What is the error? The note you quote is just a static text in the dialog to explain why users might expect some failures.

well I am not sure about what the nature of error is exactly but some of my nodss are not connecting to my discoserv which only has an ip4 addr. But it is weird that it is complaining abput some ip6 while my node is just ip4 address.

this is what i get when i click on discovery text under the device window/tab. This node is Debian Wheezy 32bit and might not offer ip6

IPv6 local: listen udp6 [ff12::8384]:21027: socket: address family not supported by protocol

Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.

I am not even sure if this is a crucial error.

It’s not, as explained, if you do not have IPv6 connectivity, these errors are expected.

Fine but is it hindering my connections with IPv4 custom discosrv?


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