Facing problem when with file deletion sometimes

Hi, everyone! I’ve recently started using Syncthing and I love it. But sometimes I face a weird problem when deleting file. For example, I have two files called test.txt synced between my two devices. If I delete test.txt from my laptop, it syncs the file from my mobile to laptop and test.txt appears again! Is there any settings that I am missing?

I don’t face the problem always, only occasionally. I am using v1.23.0 on my laptop and v1.23.1 on my mobile. Thanks in advance.

Do you use the official app on Android or the Fork?

I have installed it from Fdroid :slight_smile:

Both are there too :wink:. To be specific, is it https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid or https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.github.catfriend1.syncthingandroid?

Syncthing | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository this one

So it’s the official app. The problem is that there were similar issues in the past but all of them should have been fixed by now :confused:.

You will probably need to provide debug logs to be able to get any meaningful information on what is actually happening in the background.

  1. Restart Syncthing on Android.
  2. Open Web GUI from the left slide-out menu.
  3. Go to Actions → Logs and enable model and db debug logging.
  4. Keep trying to create and delete the text file until you manage to reproduce the problem.
  5. Once finished, on Android go to Android/data/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/files on the internal storage and upload the log file that you should find there.

I have tried to reproduce the problem but haven’t come across the problem yet. However I have taken note of the instructions and will report if I face the problem again. Thanks for your quick response @tomasz86.

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